by Администратор Главный


Dealer discounts for resellers of our products: legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, owners of needlework stores, initiative citizens - organizers of joint purchases.

Dear colleagues.

Since 2000 the private enterprise "Live Eyes" has been engaged in the specialized production of artificial eyes for soft toys, dolls and stuffed animals.

We offer you cooperation in the sale of our products.

Here you will find a huge range of the eyes of various shapes, colors and patterns sized from 4 mm to 100 mm., as well as many other products for needlework.

There is a flexible system of wholesale discounts has been developed for you:

Discounts on doll eyes, toy eyes, except animal eyes and elite eyes, fixings, noses and other products.

- automatic discounts (provided by the store to all customers for each order item) depending on a certain number of identical eyes (of the same color, pattern and size):

from 5 to 9 pairs - 10%,

from 10 to 14 pairs - 20%,

from 15 to 19 pairs - 30%,

from 20 to 24 pairs - 40%,

from 25 pairs and more - 50%

Wholesale prices, taking into account automatic discounts, can be seen on the website by opening the product card, above the "Add to Cart" button.

- additional dealer discounts depending on the amount of the order are provided according to the following scheme:

$600 and more - 10%

$1000 and more - 15%

$1400 and more - 20%

Discounts are provided at the request of the buyer, subject to an order of at least 25 pairs of eyes for all items of this order.

Discounts on animal eyes and elite eyes

- dealer discounts for animal eyes and elite ones, depending on the order amount and regardless of the number of pairs for each item

$600 and more - 10%

$1000 and more - 20%

$1400 and more - 30%

- dealer discounts for animal eyes and elite eyes for a specific order item, depending on the number of pairs for each item, regardless of the total order amount.

25 - 49 couples - 20%

50 pairs or more - 30%


1. Two types of discounts for the order amount and for a specific order item cannot be summed with each other.

2. Dealer discounts and periodic promotional discounts are also cannot be summed with other discounts and promo codes.

3. Separate orders must be placed for toy eyes and animal eyes in order to receive the correct discounts.

Our website can be useful as a convenient tool for selecting goods and placing an order ror legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who wish to work with us under contracts with payment to the current account.

For this purpose a special order form is provided - "Pre-order without payment". On the basis of such an order and your details, an agreement, specification and invoice for payment can be drawn up.

You should try to cooperate with us!

Best regards

Nikolai Buchnev, "Live Eyes" Director


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